June 7th, 2012 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
the basic elements of a business plan, explore the sources of information for a
business plan, and understand the role of the business plan once it is
Cost: $15 if
pre-register, $20 at the door. Credit Card payment via the internet preferred.
Speaker: Camilo
Lopez-Niño, Certified Business Analyst, Florida SBDC Network
Location: SBDC Miami-Dade, Festival
Plaza, Miami
Establecer un Negocio en la Florida: Pasos Iniciales al Planear su Negocio
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Conozca las cualidades requeridas
para tener su propio negocio, aprenda las ventajas y desventajas, aprenda a
seleccionar un negocio, aprenda los requisitos básicos, y conozca las
caracteristicas para el èxito.
Costo: $10,
Cupo Limitado. Se recomienda registracion previa con tarjeta de credito por
internet. $15 en la puerta.
Valentina Quintero, Consultora de Negocios Certificada, Florida SBDC Network
Lugar: SBDC
Miami-Dade, Festival Plaza, Miami
Introduction to Import and Export
Thursday, June 21st, 2012 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
This workshop provides the fundamentals of international trade, understand the general import and export requirement, the regulatory requirements and payment mechanisms. Cost: $15 if pre-register, $20 at the door. Advance Credit Card payment via the website preferred. Speaker: Nancy Orozco, Certified Business Analyst, Florida SBDC Network Location: SBDC Miami-Dade, Festival Plaza, Miami
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