jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Wireless Spectrum: Part of our daily lives

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Wireless Spectrum: How You Use It and Why You Might Lose It.
Dear Dr. F. Dominguez,  

You may not think about it, but wireless spectrum is a central part of our daily lives . So much that we forget how much we depend on it. It's not just smartphones and tablets that use wireless spectrum - its our baby monitors, cordless phones, security systems, and thousands of other gadgets and tools that need shared - or unlicensed - spectrum to deliver their vital services at an affordable price.          

It's incredibly important to find new opportunities for more unlicensed spectrum to grow the wireless economy, promote innovation, and keep everyone connected to the Internet in an affordable way. One of the most promising new technologies uses the empty spaces between television channels, the so-called "TV white spaces" (TVWS).   

In the few short years since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved use of the TVWS, companies have built and shipped equipment to bring needed broadband to rural communities, creating jobs and expanding opportunities.     

Now we are in danger of losing these shared airwaves to a select few corporations
The FCC has historically reserved a small amount of shared unlicensed spectrum, while auctioning off the rest for privately licensed use. Now we're faced with an upcoming auction in early 2015 and the FCC hopes to reclaim the TV white spaces and sell them to private telecom companies.   

Tell the FCC to protect our airwaves during the upcoming spectrum auction and save some spectrum for the public good!

Take a minute to watch our video: Wireless Spectrum: How You Use It and Why You Might Lose It.    Video:  

 Thanks for your support, 
The Public Knowledge Team

 Tweet This: RT @publicknowledge: Tell the FCC to save enough spectrum for the public!  bit.ly/SaveSpectrum

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