jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Wine Tech Upstart Drops Smart Bottle on a $300 Billion Industry

A $199 metal canister with Wi-Fi seeks to end the "ritual of the cork."

For wine, the hangover can start as soon as the bottle is opened. Oxygen is toxic to the lovely, inebriating juice, which as every moment passes becomes something other than intended (letting it ''breathe'' notwithstanding). On any given night, having to choose between four glasses of wine and none can be a sad disconnect of supply and demand—a truly dismal science.

Marco DiGiulio, a vintner at California’s Vintage Wine Estates, can taste degradation in a bottle open just one day. That’s why he has such high hopes for Kuvée, a sort of Keurig-style dispenser that goes on sale Monday and comes with a catalog of 48 wines, including some of DiGiulio's. The core of the system is a decanter that sells for $1991 and looks like an oversize wine bottle. Ranging in price from $15 to $50, the canisters slide into the bottom and click in place. Equipped with a bladder and special valve, the wine can be poured without any oxygen seeping in, and drinkers can swap out a Pinot noir for a Syrah by ejecting one canister and clicking in another. After an initial pour, Kuvée wines will stay fresh for about 30 days.

“I’ll be honest, this was intriguing to me from a purely personal standpoint,” DiGiulio said. “My wife doesn’t drink a whole lot, and I don’t want to drink a whole lot, so it’s surprisingly rare how often we open a bottle of wine.”

The hope for Kuvée—and for the venture capitalists who put up $6 million for its launch—is that it will change the economics of the $300 billion wine industry. When people no longer have to worry about wine going bad, they’ll drink it more frequently and develop a better sense of what they like; it also has the potential to save billions of dollars in wine on its way to vinegar. At least, that’s the pitch from Vijay Manwani, Kuvée's co-founder and chief executive.

“You can drink a great craft beer on Tuesday night; you can drink a great cocktail on Tuesday night; you can’t drink a great bottle of wine on Tuesday night,” Manwani said.

Manwani clearly keeps pretty tame company, but his message may resonate with anyone who has looked at a half-full bottle and tried to remember when she pulled the cork. The problem has already prompted mouse-trap levels of innovation at virtually all price points. At the low-end, there’s the simple bag in a box. (Thank you, Dr. Franzia.) On the other end of the spectrum is the Coravin system, which punctures a bottle’s cork with a Teflon-coated needle and replaces the volume of wine poured with a puff of argon gas. On the market since July 2013, the device starts at $299, plus gas cartridges that cost $9 to $10 apiece. In between, a bunch of vacuum-based systems literally pump oxygen out of an open bottle.

The area where Kuvée may have an edge is technology. Every year, the world’s vintners fill about 38 billion bottles, each as dumb as a box of hammers. Kuvée’s system, however, is fairly smart. Equipped for Wi-Fi signals, it reads a chip on each canister and uses a phone-like touchscreen to display information about the vintner, pairing suggestions and buttons to let you instantly order more of the same. It also remembers what canisters you have already opened. At the outset, the pitch is for winemakers as much as it is for wine drinkers.

“For us, this is huge,” DiGiulio said. “Five minutes after someone has poured that glass, they can rate it. It’s the kind of feedback that we typically don’t get.” Additionally, the stainless steel canisters are lighter than glass bottles, so they are cheaper to ship, a further boon for a label looking to build direct-to-consumer sales.

The question is: How many consumers want their wine to act more like their iPhone? There's something deliciously anachronistic about drinking wine. Throw on a tunic, and you’re still doing it pretty much as Julius Caesar did—albeit with better Seamless options than bread and olives. Even systems like the Coravin have a kind of tactile charm.

Manwani, a mechanical engineer by training and a self-described wine snob, calls it “the ritual of the cork” and acknowledges it may pose a challenge to overcome (though twist tops have led the way). “I’m sure that when this gets out, the traditionalists will have an opinion,” he said. “We’ll have to deal with that.”

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

“Aprender a Aprender”, Edwin Conrado Rivera, MPH

   ¿Cómo utilizar el internet para adquirir Aprendizaje Electrónico?

En los pasados días, uno de mis socios comerciales me preguntó:                                 ¿Cómo era posible que yo adquiría tanto conocimiento en tan poco tiempo para hablar de cualquier tema con autoridad? Le comente que luego de 30 años navegando el internet, uno aprende a desarrollar un método de búsqueda que lo ayuda a encontrar la información que uno necesita de manera fácil y rápida. También, le comente que hay que aprender a identificar si la información que estás viendo es verídica, (ya que hay muchas fuentes falsas y llenas de virus que buscan hacerle daño a tu computadora).   

A continuación les indico unos simple pasos para que pueda encontrar la información que necesita de manera fácil y eficaz. 

El Aprendizaje Electrónico tiene como todo, sus trucos.  Si usted no tiene mucho tiempo para navegar el internet, debe de aprender a buscar la información usando los siguientes pasos básicos:

1. Idioma – ¿En qué idioma voy a buscar la información?  En mi experiencia,  el mayor número de artículos e información sobre cualquier tema, lo encuentro en el idioma Inglés. Luego utilizo un traductor en donde vaya confirmando que la traducción es similar a la del idioma en ingles, o que representa el significado de lo que quiero presentar, ya que en su mayoría los traductores son traductores literales y no presentan el orden correcto del lenguaje traducido.  Además, busco 5 fuentes mínimos para comparar la información entre ellos y llegar a mi propia conclusión del tema. 

2. Titulo de la búsqueda – Hay varias maneras de hacer la búsqueda de la información.  Por ejemplo, si quiero saber sobre Inteligencia Social, puedo hacer la búsqueda de la siguiente manera:

a. Significado Inteligencia Social – Este es un título corto que me lleva a encontrar los siguientes portales.

1.La inteligencia social es la capacidad que tiene una persona de entender, tratar y llevarse bien con la gente que le rodea. Es lo que hace que una persona sea capaz de tener mil amigos dispuestos a dar la cara por él, o que no tenga nadie con quien contar.

2.Que es la inteligencia social - alvarotineo.com www.alvarotineo.com/articulos/que-es-la-inteligencia-social Que es la inteligencia socialalvarotineo.com www.alvarotineo.com/.../que-es-la-inteligencia-social Translate this page

3.La inteligencia social es la capacidad que tiene una persona de entender, tratar y llevarse bien con la gente que le rodea. Es lo que hace que una persona sea ... Inteligencia interpersonal - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre https://es.wikipedia.org/.../Inteligen... Translate this page Spanish Wikipedia

4.La inteligencia interpersonal corresponde a una de las inteligencias del modelo ...Incluye la capacidad para establecer y mantener relaciones sociales y para  ...

5.La Inteligencia Social - Creadess www.creadess.org/.../14471-la-inteligencia-social Translate this page

May 16, 2012 - La inteligencia social es la capacidad para relacionarse con los otros en tanto que otros, en forma armoniosa y pacífica. Es una habilidad ... La Inteligencia Social | La guía de Psicología

De esta manera se presentan varios portales con la información requerida.

3. Luego determino, cuál es el enfoque que necesito saber sobre Inteligencia Social. 
a. Como está relacionado con el comportamiento entre los seres humanos.
b. Como está relacionado al Aprendizaje Electrónico. En esta ocasión me interesa el      enfoque relacionado al Aprendizaje Electrónico.

4. Una vez terminado las lecturas de los artículos, hago un resumen de la información.
a. Hago una lista de los puntos parecidos.
b. Hago una lista de los puntos diferentes.
c. De ser necesario, expando la búsqueda de la información de ambas listas  y luego    llego a una conclusión final.

Cada vez que haga este proceso sistemáticamente, con el tiempo usted va ganando experiencia en hacer búsquedas más rápidas y certeras.

NOTA: Hace 10 años les he dicho a mis estudiantes, clientes y amigos, que “en el futuro nuestro conocimiento va a ser obsoleto y que nos van a pagar por nuestros servicios  por lo que NO sabemos”.

Hoy día estamos experimentando este proceso con los nuevos contratos de consultorías que nos están llegando. 

Por ejemplo, con el cambio climático nos llega una oferta para promocionar un producto de energía renovable.  Luego de hacer los pasos antes mencionados, ya estamos en la posición de hablar con cualquier persona interesada en el tema   de energía renovable, incluyendo placas solares, molinos de vientos, plantas hidroeléctricas y plantas de turbinas movidas por estanque de agua. 

El Maestro Edwin Conrado Rivera, MPH tiene una Maestría en Salud Pública, Autor del libro: “La Diabetes: El Árbol de las Enfermedades”, además es Auditor & “International Trainer & Coach”. Para conocer sus servicios, comuníquese con él en: EdwinConradoRivera@gmail.com

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

FREE Quickbooks Seminar, Thursday, March 24, 2016 @ CAMACOL

The Latin Chamber of Commerce of USA - CAMACOL Cordially Invite you to a FREE Quickbooks Seminar as a financial analysis tool

QuickBooks is well known for its ability to perform bookkeeper functions. However it is rarely used as a financial analyst . In our workshop, you will learn how to convert QuickBooks to an
analyst that will help you improve  profitability in your business.

The workshop includes the following topics:

*- Set up accounts and custom fields

*- Creating analysis report

*- How to create key performance indicators  ( KPI ) and Dashboard

Jorge Gonzalez is the co-founder and principal of VermisAnalytics, an Analytics consulting firm, which helps organizations to compete and win by using data.  Jorge is an Ex-IBMer who has provided consultation to multiple fortunate 500 companies in his 15 years of analytics career.  He has a MBA Degree from Pennsylvania State University and undergraduate degree in Finance and International Business from Florida International University .

Presented by :

When: March 24th, 2016

At:  10am - 12.30 pm

Where:  CAMACOL Bldg., 1401  
West Flagler Street , Miami,FL 33135
(FREE Parking available across the street in the St. John Bosco Church parking lot) 

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

Antes de adquirir un producto o contratar un servicio, vea estos videos

¿Tiene quejas sobre un producto que acaba de comprar? ¿Está pensando en adquirir una vivienda? ¿Está planeando su jubilación? ¡El “Profesor Sabelotodo” está aquí para ayudarlo!
Puede consultar los videos del “Profesor Sabelotodo” en español y también descargar gratis la Guía del Consumidor.

Manténgase informado a la hora de adquirir productos y contratar servicios.

Video: Cómo presentar una queja

Este servicio es proporcionado en forma gratuita por GobiernoUSA.gov, el sitio web oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos en español.

¿Tiene preguntas? Contáctenos.

Conéctese con GobiernoUSA.gov: 

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martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

FREE Quickbooks Seminar, Thursday, March 24, 2016 @ CAMACOL, 10 am-12:30 pm

The Latin Chamber of Commerce of USA - CAMACOL Cordially Invite you to a FREE QuickBooks Seminar as a financial analysis tool

Quickbooks is well known for its ability to perform bookkeeper
functions. However it is rarely used as a financial analyst . In our
workshop , you will learn how to convert Quickbooks to an
analyst that will help you improve  profitability in your business.

The workshop includes the following topics:
*- Set up accounts and custom fields
*- Creating analysis report
*- How to create key performance indicators  ( KPI ) and Dashboard

Jorge Gonzalez is the co-founder and principal of VermisAnalytics, an Analytics consulting firm, which helps organizations to compete and win by using data.  Jorge is an Ex-IBMerwho has provided consultation to multiple fortunate 500 companies in his 15 years of analytics career.  He has a MBA Degree from Pennsylvania State University and undergraduate degree in Finance and International Business from Florida International University .
Presented by :

When: Thursday, March 24th, 2016

At: 10:00am - 12.30 pm

Where:  CAMACOL Bldg., 1401  West Flagler Street , Miami,FL 33135 -  (FREE Parking available across the street at the St. John Bosco Church parking lot). 


lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

ACE Production Exercise Pipeline : March 10, 17, 24

ACE Production Exercise Pipeline

U. S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is offering three (3) one-day filing exercises in March, 2016.  These exercises are to support Trade filers who have notfiled any ACE entry summary transactions or entries with APHIS Lacey or NHTSA (DOT) data. 

Please plan to take part in this event to prepare for the March 31, 2016 ACE mandatory filing date!

The filing exercises will be held on March 10, 17, and 24, 2016, to specifically target those Trade filers who have notfiled entry summary transactions in ACE, or entries with APHIS Lacey or NHTSA (DOT) data.   These filers may call in any time during the three days for filing assistance to ensure they are prepared for the March 31, 2016 ACE mandatory filing date.

Please see the attached ACE PRODUCTION FILING EXERCISE Flyer for complete details!  For additional information you can visit CBP website:  www.cbp.gov/ace  on how to participate.


Yolanda V. Santos 
Trade Operations
Port Everglades, FL
U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association, Inc.
8228 NW 14 St, Doral, FL 33126
P.O. Box 52-2022 Miami, FL 33152
Ph: 305-499-9490 Fx: 305-499-9491

"Our mission in serving the Customs Brokers, Forwarders and the Trade Community as a whole, is to act as a forum for the interchange of ideas, promote greater knowledge and understanding among its members, encourage unity of purpose, ideals and ethics in addition to disseminating information of interest to the community and our members while advocating on their behalf."