jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Small Business: Bloomberg BusinessWeek

This Week's Top Story - Making It Easier to Sell Made in USA in China

This Week's Top Story 



With small grants, state governments are encouraging domestic manufacturers to use middleman Export Now to sell in China

This week in Small Business

Want to take advantage of China’s hearty appetite for foreign goods? Meet a former U.S. ambassador who is building anexporting service for U.S. manufacturers to sell their products to Chinese consumers.
Also on tap: Catch new research that traces the recent drop in small business loans to a minority of troubled community banks. Learn about the free entrepreneurship training programscities are backing to combat unemployment. Finally, weigh in on a commentary that urges Congress pass the Startup Act 2.0. Enjoy. –Nick Leiber

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

From eWeek: Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired

With the employment picture remaining stagnant, you need to remain constantly aware of the classic trouble signs that often lead to a termination. For workers, the reversal of fortune can be so sudden that you could win that "Employee of the Month" plaque in August and get sent packing in September. So better to get the hint sooner rather than later. That would give you more time to prepare for a graceful exit. With that in mind, consider these 10 possible developments as a wake-up call that trouble is brewing, and it might be time to dust off your résumé and try to get out before you're thrown out. These signs are compiled from resources such as AskMen.com and Wisebread.com.

Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 02

Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 03 Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 04

Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 05 Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 06

Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 07 Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 08

Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 09 Ten Signs You're About to Get Fired 10

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

From Bloomberg BusinessWeek: This week in Small Business

1.- Efforts to raise the minimum wage have long been opposed by small business advocacy groups. But as U.S. income inequality has widened and economic studies have challenged the notion that increases suppress employment, small business owners and lobbyists are turning up on both sides of the debate.
Also on tap: hear from lawyers who expect young immigrants to flood small employers. Learn why Gen Yers aremore likely than the average worker to study to be entrepreneurs and to work at small ventures. Meet the brains behind a craft beer brand that outsources production and a startup seeking the middle ground between upstart eyeglass e-tailers and established brands. Finally, catch a chat with the co-author of Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck, who elaborates on the importance of self-awareness. Enjoy. –Nick Leiber
The decades-old perception that small businesses oppose raising the federal minimum wage is changing 
3.-  Bloomberg View

Bloomberg View: Raise the Minimum Wage

Bloomberg BusinessWeek : Technology...Convenience

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Ricardo Tribín Acosta: Corolario de serenidad y expectativas

Con todo gusto y expresa gratitud a su autor, Ricardo Tribín, reproducimos su artículo:

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Corolario de serenidad y expectativas

Empleando un poco la matemática en temas de comportamiento, quisiera compartir la creencia de algunos de que la serenidad es inversamente proporcional a las expectativas, lo cual trae consigo un corolario que expresaría que, mientras más expectativas tengamos y no las sepamos manejar mental y emocionalmente, mucho más cerca estaremos de permanecer alejados de la serenidad.

Y lo anterior como se prueba? Yo expresaría, de forma simple y sin complicaciones puesto que, cuando proyectamos quedándonos emocionalmente en el futuro, estaremos dándole cabida a frustraciones, temores, e iras, en los momentos en los que las cosas no nos salgan como nos las imaginamos, mientras que, si por el contrario planeamos para mañana, pero nos quedamos mentalmente en el hoy, la garantía de que pasemos días tranquilos serán bastante más probables.

A esto se le puede agregar que en el momento que aceptemos las situaciones tal y como ellas resulten, esto es la vida en los términos de ella, esta proporción se relacionara directamente con la serenidad. Aceptar es pues el estado ideal en los estados de comportamiento, ya que cuando ella se alcanza, los niveles de calidad de vida alcanzaran sus puntos óptimos.


Miami, Agosto 20 de 2012

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

From BusinessWeek: The Vital Link Between Banks and Jobs

Bloomberg BusinessWeek Global Economics 

The Vital Link Between Banks and Jobs

The Vital Link Between Banks and Jobs
The gradual easing of lending standards by U.S. banks may help lower the jobless rate. According to a report by Drew Matus, an economist at UBS (UBS), “easier lending standards are usually associated with faster employment growth.” Quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve has left U.S. banks with plenty of money to lend. According to UBS data, since the start of the third quarter they have started to relax lending standards—especially when compared to their approach during the depths of the recession, when the banks were not extending credit.
Easier credit feeds job creation. “What comes first?” asks Matus. “Is a company ready to hire but needs a loan to do so, or does a company see a chance to expand, gets the loan, and then thinks about hiring? It’s not clear, but jobs are jobs.”
By augmenting its bank lending standards composite index with data about corporate capital market conditions, UBS has come up with an even broader gauge of credit availability. This broader measure points to private payroll gains averaging about 150,000 per month for the second half of 2012. That’s faster than the second quarter’s disappointing pace of payroll growth, an average of 91,000 jobs.
Matus figures unemployment will be down to 8 percent by year’s end, more optimistic than the Wall Street consensus of 8.2 percent, compiled by Bloomberg News. Neither outlook is great, but better than the current level of 8.3 percent. He sees gross domestic product growing at a 1.7 percent rate in the fourth quarter—but he thinks this will rise to 2.7 percent by the fourth quarter of 2013. “That assumes the credit crunch doesn’t resume, Congress avoids the fiscal cliff, and Europe doesn’t collapse,” says Matus.
Big assumptions. For now, though, the U.S. recovery remains on.

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012


Bloomberg BusinessWeek : Small Business
The United States incarcerates more of its population than any other country. From 1990 to 2010, the number of people serving time in state and federal prisons more than doubled and is now nearly 2.3 million, according to a recent report (PDF) by the Pew Center on the States. Earlier this year, the New Yorker’s arresting article,“The Caging of America,” chronicled reasons for the accelerating incarceration rate.
The surge has been good for a constellation of corrections contractors, including JPay, which handles money transfers, e-mail communications, and video visitations for more than 1.4 million inmates in hundreds of prisons across about 35 states. So good that the decade-old business last year expanded into selling inmates its own line of “prison-proof” MP3 players—what it dubs the JP3. “We’re looking for products that an inmate would want to buy and a corrections facility would accept,” says founder and Chief Executive Officer Ryan Shapiro, 35. “Music was a no-brainer because inmates don’t have enough music and they all love music.”
The Apple of the U.S. Prison System
Shapiro is aiming to make JPay, a 200-employee Miami business that became profitable in 2006, the Apple (AAPL) of the U.S. penal system. To understand why he thinks Apple or another tech behemoth can’t easily snuff him out, here’s a quick review of prison rules: Corrections facilities generally forbid devices that can be turned into weapons, be used to communicate freely with the outside, or conceal contraband. Hand a violent prisoner an iPad and the risks become fairly clear.
Shapiro says JPay’s player, which retails for around $40 at kiosks the company installs in common areas inside prisons, is virtually indestructible. Inmates use it to browse a library of more than 10 million songs, “just like on iTunes,” and download them for $1.99 a pop. The three most popular artists are Usher, Tre Songz, and Kenny Chesney. “We take outside applications, redevelop them for prisons specifically, and then deploy them,” Shapiro explains. “The prison doesn’t pay for any of [our services]; it’s the end user who pays.”
JPay didn’t pioneer its new line of business. Keefe Group, a St. Louis-based supplier of food and personal-care products to prison commissaries, launched its own music download service for prisoners in 2009. While the 37-year-old company didn’t respond to interview requests, apress release posted on the company’s website says it sold more than 1 million downloads in just over a year. On its own website, a rival correctional facilities supplier,Union Supply Group, headquartered in Rancho Dominguez, Calif., says it started selling digital music to offenders in 2003 and has available more than 5 million tracks “approved” by correctional partners. Shapiro won’t say what JPay has sold or how much it scores in annual revenue but asserts that the company is “way in front of [Keefe] when it comes to money transfer or the media business.”
Shapiro, who holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Colorado, Boulder, learned about the inconveniences of transferring money to a prisoner’s account when a friend’s mother was sentenced for embezzling. He says inmates “understand you have to charge in order to be able provide a service … Look at ourFacebook (FB)page. Look at how many times someone says: ‘I love JPay.’”
Next up for the business: a mini tablet it plans to start selling by yearend called the JP4. “It’s got an e-mail application, music, e-books—it’s got anything you can imagine,” says Shapiro. “Think about education, think about games; it’s endless where we could go. We think it’s as big, if not bigger, than the money-transfer business.”
Leiber is Small Business editor for Businessweek.com, Entrepreneurs editor for Bloomberg.com, and covers small business for Bloomberg Businessweek.

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Noticias del Gobierno Federal / News from Federal Government

Informática (IT) es uno de los más importantes caminos y herramienta universal  para lograr un gobierno más eficiente. Aqui un análisis de uno de los más importantes pasos del gobierno federal en Informática (IT). Nuestros empresarios sacarán importantes lecciones, buenas y malas, de esta experiencia.:

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

Ricardo Tribín: Emocionalmente Inseguros

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Emocionalmente inseguros?
Por: Ricardo Tribín Acosta

La inseguridad emocional no es algo sencillo de superar ya que conlleva muchos aspectos inherentes a la personalidad de cada cual, adquirida desde pequeños, mas desviada de su rumbo a lo largo de la vida, algunas veces para mal, ya que la influencia y los efectos negativos de otros hacen “ochas” por doquier. El Grillo le dice a El Duende “ Oye, “duende” andarás? Y el otro, saltando, se le ríe en la cara, y mirando a una niña le contesta “Cuidado mijita que es un “grillo”

El temor, que vaina con el temor, que arranca desde que nos dicen a temprana edad: no toques, no comas, ni te atrevas, etc. De ahí se desprenden grandes miedos que redundan en inseguridades emocionales, las que se hacen semejantes a los situaciones en las que pretendemos subir a una montaña y nos decimos de antemano: No, esto no lo podre lograr, pues es algo insuperable.

Y es que también el “no, no lo puedo dejar” se aplica sin excepción cuando atravesamos por obstáculos que tienen mucho que ver con los vicios, malos hábitos, adicciones, y defectos de carácter, lo que indica desde ya una anticipada decisión de no realizar el esfuerzo para mejorar, cuando lo recomendable a hacer será estar bajo la convicción de que, cuando no lo logremos, permanecer enteramente dispuestos a dejar la acción final en las manos de Dios, partiendo eso si de la premisa básica de “no tirar la toalla jamás, antes de tiempo”.

Miami, Agosto 13 de 2012

Tendencias en la Contratación - Hiring Trends

It's a good idea for every Business Leader to look beyond technology and spend some time examining the business factors that are driving your organizations. After all, a key component in your job is working closely with the business side and understanding what is behind the decision-making processes at your enterprise. As part of this, it's also wise to keep an eye on company-wide hiring (or downsizing). A recent survey from CareerBuilder sheds light on the changes that companies have planned in the coming months to give Businesses a look at the big picture.
  1. 44% respondents say they will be hiring full time, permanent staff by year's end, up from 35 % in 2011
  2. 21 % of respondents say they are looking for part-time workers in the next several months, up from 15 % in 2011
  3. Another 21% of respondent say that they will be hiring contract or temp employees in second half 2012, up from 12 % in 2011 
  4. Hiring plans span businesses of all sizes and there is a new pattern of jobs to hire: 
           - 34% with 500 or fewer employees will add staff
           - 22% say they will be adding employees in IT
           - 24% will be adding customer service jobs
           - 21 % say will be adding people in Sales
           - 16 % will be adding employees in Administrative Services
           - 16% now have jobs tied with social media that were not five years ago
           - 15% have jobs tied to storing and managing data that did not exist 5 years ago
           - 12 % have now jobs focused on cyber-security that did not exist 5 years ago